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Respiratory Care: Evidence-Based Process

The Evidence-Based Process    

The Evidence based practice Process

There are 4 steps to the evidence based practice process: 

1. Assess the situation

2. Ask the question

3. Acquire the information

4. Appaise the evidence


ASSESS the patient and the situation

A clinical problem arises out of patient care.  It is noticed by the health professional so that it can be addressed.


ASK the clinical question

Every evidenced-based question starts out here, at asking the clinical question.

There are 4 parts to the clinical question.  These are:

P - Problem

I - Intervention

C - Comparison

O - Outcome



ACQUIRE the evidence for your clinical question

During this part of the Evidence based practice process, you acquire or search for information for your question. 

Below are some places which will give you good evidence for questions:


APPRAISE the evidence

During this phase, elvauate the evidence or researh found by asking questions:

  • Are the results of the study valid?
  • How sensitive or specifc are the results?