Library Instruction Session - 1/19/23
Learning objective:
Searching for information is often non-linear and iterative, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops (Searching as Strategic Exploration)
Search prepared by the National Library of Medicine.
Conducted with the following combinations of keywords:
- COVID-19 and PubMed Clinical Queries
More categories
- NCBI SARS COV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical contents
Able to limit search and modify it.
Types of evidence refer to the types of journal articles found when searching.
Different types of journals articles are:
Tips from the library exercise for RESP 210:
All information from reputable and valid consumer health or patient care websites came from original research - from an original study like a cohort study or a RCT or a Systematic review. Find the original research study and you have an journal article to use for a paper.
Searching tips: