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Media Services: Media Databases

Media Databases


Individuals with disabilities who have accommodation needs or accessibility concerns should contact the Center for Access and Assistive Technology or the Dwight Marvin Library's staff. The Center for Access and Assistive Technology is located on the first floor of the Siek Campus Center, room 130, phone number (518) 629-7154, TDD (518) 629-7596.

Request New Media Resources

Know a title you would like the library to purchase or license? Contact the liaison librarian assigned to each academic department.

Timeline: Media should be requested one semester in advance of anticipated use to allow time for purchase and processing

Legacy Videocassette Preservation

The library will create a preservation DVD copy of a videocassette that was never produced on DVD. Please see the Guidelines for VHS Preservation Copying page for copyright considerations. For more information about this services, contact the library's online media specialist.