The Streaming DVD Service is intended to provide brief online access to DVD content. In accordance with United States Copyright Law (USC Title 17), the Dwight Marvin Library will provide streaming access to DVDs owned by Hudson Valley Community College if the following conditions are met:
Accessibility: Closed captions will be activated and visible on the video. Exceptions to this will be considered upon request.
Length of access time: While a title is digitized and made available in streaming format, the physical DVD is no longer available for loan or previewing. Length of access is restricted to a two week limit. Faculty must provide a specific start and end date for the streaming DVD allowing students to complete related assignments. Once the streaming is no longer online, the DVD is available to borrow from the library. All online links will be deactivated at the end date or the last day of the semester, whichever is first. Requests must be made for each semester that the material is needed.
Limitation: The number of entire works that may be digitized for a single course during an academic term shall not exceed the maximum number of works typically required for the course.
A State University of New York College
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