This LibGuide is maintained by:
Kisha Sawyers, Reference and Outreach Librarian
Room: MRV 140 Tel:7317
My Subjects Specialties:
History, Psychology, Sociology, Early Childhood Education, Biography, Research, OER, Citations
Pride of Our Nation... Pride of Our College is an ever-changing collection of photographs and memorabilia of veterans and active military service members with a connection to the college. Begun with just a handful of photographs, the exhibit now includes more than 100 images and keepsakes, both official “military issue” and personal. Current students and employees submit photos and loan objects -- ranging from dog tags and medals to historic documents and full uniforms -- that pertain to the military career of a relative or themselves. Alice Malavasic, a professor in the Education and Social Sciences Department, organized the first exhibit in 2010. She describes the exhibit as a collaborative effort by the entire campus -- students, faculty and staff.
Highlighting the Mexican folk holiday Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a traditional altar can be found on display in the Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Atrium in the Marvin Library Learning Commons.
The exhibit is presented by Professor Malu Benton. The altar features traditional elements including esqueletos (skeletons), calaveras de azúcar (sugar skulls), and flowers. A display of related library materials is available for browsing and loan.
A State University of New York College
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