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Library Instructional Videos and Tutorials

This guide compiles library instruction videos and tutorials for review, online students, and other academic purposes.


The videos and tutorials in this guide are intended to extend our classroom instruction to the web. If you are a faculty member interested in scheduling classroom instruction, or if you would like the librarians to create videos for your course, please complete the library instruction request form indicating custom video or course guide below preferred modality.

Library Instructional Videos

screenshot website overview video

Using the Dwight Marvin Library [4:00]

screenshot onesearch video

OneSearch [5:02]

screenshot books video

Finding Books [6:30]

screenshot keyword video

Keywords and Search Strategy [2:39]

screenshot database video

What is a Database? [2:44]

screenshot us major dailies video

Newspaper Articles from U.S. Major Dailies [3:28]

Screenshot films on demand video

Streaming Videos from Films on Demand [9:41]

Screenshot wall street journal video

Wall Street Journal [3:37]

Screenshot academic search complete video

Academic Search Complete [6:06]

Self-guided Tutorials

The tutorials below include step by step instructions and review questions. All self-guided tutorials include a certificate of completion.


Students will learn how to:

  • Search in OneSearch
  • Utilize tools like emailing records to themselves
  • Access full text articles


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Students will learn:

  • About academic library books
  • How to search for books and ebooks
  • Access full text ebooks


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Research Databases

Students will learn:

  • How to navigate the college website to the library's research databases
  • How to access and search the database Academic Search Complete
  • Advanced search techniques (including phrase and field searching)
  • Access full text articles

research database icon

Cite Your Sources

Students will learn:

  • How to navigate to the Cite Your Sources research guide
  • What is included in this resource



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Students will learn how to:

  • Identify and understand plagiarism
  • Know how to avoid it
  • Learn why it is essential to start your research early
  • Know where to get help

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Evaluate Your Sources

Students will learn how to: 

  • Understand what source evaluation is and why it's important
  • Recognize issues of quality, accuracy, relevance, bias and credibility
  • Fact check websites like a pro!
  • Choose suitable and credible information for school, work and beyond!

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Keyword Searching: Cause and Effect

Students will learn how to:

  • Identify search terms from a research question or focused topic.
  • Connect keywords using Boolean operators.
  • Understand phrase searching.
  • Create a search strategy for finding sources for a cause or effect research paper. 

key icon 

Keyword Searching: Pro/Con

Students will learn how to:

  • Identify search terms from a research question or focused topic.
  • Connect keywords using Boolean operators.
  • Understand phrase searching.
  • Create a search strategy for finding sources with opposing views. 

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Keyword Searching: Person of Influence

Students will learn how to:

  • Identify search terms from a research question or focused topic.
  • Connect keywords using Boolean operators.
  • Understand phrase searching.
  • Create a search strategy for finding sources about the contribution of an influential person.

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EDUC 100

Students will:

  • Identify professional journal articles required for your assignment
  • Search for sources using keywords and advanced search strategies
  • Access full-text articles

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PSYC 100

Students will:

  • Navigate the college website to the library's research databases
  • Search multiple databases simultaneously
  • Apply advanced search techniques
  • Identify peer-reviewed journal articles containing original research
  • Access full-text articles

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CHEM 202

Students will:

  • Use keywords and limiters to find articles in OneSearch and the library's research database ScienceDirect
  • Utilize tools like citation generators and emailing sources to yourself
  • Access full-text articles

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Newspaper Articles

Students will learn:

  • About newspaper content and academic uses.
  • Navigate the college website to the library's research databases.
  • Access the database: US Major Dailies.
  • Locate current newspaper articles.

newspaper icon 

Marvin Library Building Tour

This tutorial will review:

  • Service areas
  • Available resources

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