The library monitors which textbooks are assigned to specific courses and actively purchases many of them and places them on reserve for students to borrow at the First Floor Service Desk. Some departments donate copies of the textbook (Thank you, departments!). Textbooks for courses with low enrollment are typically not purchased due to budget constraints.
- To donate a copy of your course textbooks, complete a reserve request form and deliver or transmit to library staff.
Personal/departmental owned titles must accompany the request form. Only original works will be placed on reserve; copies are not accepted. Doctrine of first sale, part of U.S. copyright law, allows legally obtained original works to be lent without additional permission of the copyright owner. Items owned by the library/media center may be requested for reserve; staff will retrieve items requested from the stacks. Allow three to five days for processing. At the end of the semester for which items are designated for reserve, the personal/department items will be removed from the reserve collection and returned to the requestor at their designated campus address unless otherwise noted.
- Copyright guidelines for reserve lending services
- Linking to library resources in Brightspace