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Resource Sharing: Find Books from Other Libraries

Current HVCC students and employees can request materials from other libraries at no cost.



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ILLiad Resource Sharing is an automated system specifically for requesting material that is not available at our HVCC Library.


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Borrow from other SUNYs

SUNY logo

Did you know?

All currently-enrolled HVCC students with a valid ID can borrow materials from any other SUNY institution at no charge and no further registration- just present your HVCC ID card! It is strongly encouraged that all items borrowed from another SUNY are directly returned to that institution's library.

NYS Library

New York State Library

New York State residents 18 and older can register for a NYS Resident Borrower's Card at the New York State Library (NYSL). For more information, go to

The New York State Llibrary catalog.

New York Public Library

New York Public Library logo

The New York Public Library provides borrowing privileges to residents of New York State, including remote access to eBooks and research databases. Complete the online application and follow the instructions for validating your address. Note that the registration process may take four weeks to complete.

What is Resource Sharing?

Resource Sharing is a set of services offered to HVCC students and employees to provide direct access to materials from other libraries for free. Learn more about Resource Sharing on the Library's website.

Important: If you place a request and are waiting for Resource Sharing material, please check your HVCC email.

Please note that failure to return items to reciprocal institutions will result in blocks for financial obligation at the College. For more information, please review our Resource Sharing policy. For questions or assistance, please email

Request SUNY items in OneSearch

HVCC students and employees can request items from other SUNYs directly through OneSearch.

To request an article:

Screenshot of resource sharing link in Primo for article

To request a book:

Screenshot of resource sharing link in Primo for a book

Information for Distance Learning Students

Distance learning at HVCC is defined as: "using the internet and email to access courses, submit homework assignments, and communicate with the instructor and other students." Distance learning students receive the same Library services that our on-campus students receive, including Resource Sharing. All distance learning students should identify themselves as such and provide complete contact information (phone number, email address, and mailing address) to receive items by mail.

Making a request

Distance learning students may request items several ways:

  • logging in to ILLiad
  • from the Ask a Librarian webpage
  • through the Primo OneSearch platform
  • contacting the Resource Sharing staff via email or phone

Prior to filling a request, Resource Sharing staff will need to verify that the requestor is a currently enrolled student. 

Electronic materials

For quicker access to electronic materials, students can opt to search our electronic databases which have many eBooks and full-text articles. Please contact our Reference desk through the Ask a Librarian page if you need assistance with searching in our databases. 

Physical items

Physical items, including books, magazines, and DVDs, will be checked out to the student's account and mailed directly to them using the provided mailing address. Materials owned by HVCC will arrive faster than outside materials requested from other libraries. Outside materials are first shipped to HVCC and then mailed out with postage-paid return shipping materials, at no cost to the student.

Please note: If time is a key factor for physical items, we encourage students to go to their local public library and request the item(s) through them. Please let us know if our Resource Sharing department can assist you or your local library in identifying resources.

Resource Sharing Staff at HVCC

Jennifer Acker's photo

Jennifer Acker
Senior Clerk, Resource Sharing
Office: MRV 117

HVCC WorldCat

WorldCat logo

Search for resources worldwide using the HVCC WorldCat portal.

Capital District Library Catalog

CDLC Direct Access Program (DAP)


The Direct Access Program (DAP) allows current HVCC students and employees to visit and borrow from many area libraries in the Capital District.

To use the program, a student or employee must register for a DAP card at the Marvin Library with their contact information and HVCC ID. Once registered, a DAP card will be issued with a list of participating libraries.

Some participating libraries offer limited privileges. For more information on DAP, please visit the CDLC website.

Dwight Marvin Library currently provides borrowing privileges to registered DAP borrowers (non-HVCC users) who are over 19, and present a current DAP card with valid photo ID.

Resource Sharing FAQs

Resource Sharing FAQs