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Albany Business Review

Albany Business Review Office Pass - Create your new HVCC account

Albany Business Review

Create an ABR account here

  • Use your HVCC school email address ( for your username [non-HVCC email addresses cannot be used to access the HVCC subscription], and create a password. This password can be different from your HVCC email password since the accounts are separate.
  • Fill in the form and click on Create Account
  • The Group Subscriptions window will appear. Check the box next to HVCC and continue.
  • We recommend deselecting Newsletters to avoid email overload!
  • After you create an account, log out and log back in.
  • You will get an email with the subject line, "Thank you for registering with the Business Journals" confirming that your account was created.
  • NOTE:  Student accounts will be deleted at the end of each semester and must be recreated at the start of each semester.
  • Faculty/Employee accounts will remain active.

(Note: The library will be evaluating the number of accounts created to determine use of this resource. Due to annual price increases, ongoing access to the resource is not guaranteed, particularly if use is low. Please create an account to help the library assess that ABR is a needed resource.)

For an orientation to the ABR platform, including details on how to access the annual Book of Lists, view the vendor-provided video.


Access the Albany Business Review

Go to and sign in to your new account.

Image of Sign In menu item


  • We recommend using Chrome or Firefox as your browser.
  • If you are having trouble with your account, try logging out and logging back in again.
  • Trouble signing in or forgot your password? Reset your password.

To access the weekly digital edition OR the annual Book of Lists:

  1. Log into ABR.
  2. Navigate to the YOUR NEWS panel to find links to this week's digital edition AND to the Book of Lists.

Albany Business Review screenshot