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Copyright and Digital Files

Copyright of Digital Content

Digital content has the same protections under the Copyright Act as non-digital, traditional or analog works. Digital content consists of electronic versions of books, graphics, video, audio, music, web sites and online databases, etc. Using digital content requires permission that is beyond the scope of fair use or the TEACH Act

Here are some examples of what type of digital content is protected:

  • Electronic books
  • Digital video
  • Digital audio
  • Graphics
  • E-mail
  • Web sites*

*Many people assume that online content found on websites is not subject to copyright law and may be freely used and modified without permission or think that online content is not protected unless it carries a copyright notice. This is false.

For an excellent overview of web site content and copyright see Stanford's Copyright and Fair Use: Website Permissions.

Software and Copyright

Software and Copyright

HVCC expects students, faculty and staff to abide by software licensing agreements with computer software licensees and to adhere to copyright laws. This includes (but is not limited to) refraining from sharing any backup copies with other users.

Some uses that are often permitted:

  • Unrestricted use, duplication and sharing of public domain software.
  • Making one copy of software for backup use if original is damaged or lost.
  • Using, copying, duplication and sharing source software within the guidelines of a creative commons license.