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Journals for this subject

Selected Medical Transcription/Billing and Coding journals available online at the Dwight Marvin library:

Selected Medical journals available online at the Dwight Marvin library:

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Databases for this subject

Medical Transcription/Billing and Coding may be covered in databases related to health sciences or general information:

Health Sciences databases

General databases

In particular, you may wish to search these specific databases:

  • Associates Program Source:
    • Covers nearly 1,000 full-text journals
    • Designed specifically for 2 year colleges with comprehensive coverage of the most relevant associate level progams
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text
    • CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature
    • Contains journal articles from 2,900 journals in the field of nursing and allied health
    • Best for Nursing students and faculty and other allied health professionals like radiology technicians, dental hygienists, etc.
    • Search by using the CINAHL headings for best results, selecting major concept
  • MEDLINE with Full Text:
    • Used by medical professionals world-wide for the most up-to-date medical information
    • Best to use if looking for the more specific technical information about a disease, treatment or clinical trial
    • Search by MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) for best results
    • Some results will overlap with CINAHL
  • PUBMED: Located at  The same as MedLine with Full Text but the screen searching features are different. 
    • Available freely anywhere.
  • Grey Literature:
    • Created by the librarians of the New York Academy of Medicine
    • Grey Literature are publications that are not controlled by commercial publishers.  These publications include but are not limited to theses, conference proceedings,  technical reports, preliminary progress reports, statistical reports, etc.
    • Often times these publications are hard to find; this database gathers many types of grey literature
    • This type of literature is being used in evidence-based review to remove bias

Grey Literature

What is the Grey Literature?

In general, grey literature publications are non-conventional, fugitive, and sometimes ephemeral publications.

They may include, but are not limited to the following types of materials:

  • reports (pre-prints, preliminary progress and advanced reports, technical reports, statistical reports, memoranda, state-of-the art reports, market research reports, etc.)
  • theses, conference proceedings
  • technical specifications and standards
  • non-commercial translations
  • bibliographies
  • technical and commercial documentation
  • official documents not published commercially (primarily government reports and documents

Source:  The New York Academy of Medicine,